GROW Community –a dream conduit to democratizing Coaching…

Growth implies perpetual progress and evolution and when perceived from this perspective growth signifies movement and transformation. 

We the ardent members of ICF Chennai Charter Chapter believe in the deepest fibers of our core values-based practice that growth is potentially far-reaching and phenomenal and therefore ought to be relentlessly pursued, whatever be the challenges that have surfaced and would potentially emerge. It is in this context the high dream Vision of ICF Chennai Chapter was conceived, resting on the 4 Pillars of ‘GROW viz. Coaching, Chapter, Coaches and Community. 

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ is a Sanskrit phrase found in Hindu texts such as the Maha Upanishad, which means ‘The World Is One Family’ denoting all living beings on Planet Earth are a family. 

Creatively visualizing that the ‘World is One Family’, powerfully enables one to transport into experiencing the universe as a whole and thereby establishes deep connects between the daily occurrences in one’s life and the impact on the larger world and vice versa. It compelsone to imagine that the entire world is traveling in one boat. 

Whatever happens in the various nooks and corners of the world have direct or indirect impact on other parts of the globe. In a more simplified way of understanding this means that all the actions and inactions of every single individual has consequential subtle or direct ramifications on others around and therefore the world at large. This becomes more relevant and tangible in various settings like families, organizations, villages, towns, neighborhoods and countries. 

What possibly energizes or complicates the scenarios that evolve and flow, are the levels of awareness or the ignorance respectively exhibited by human beings!

The good news is that all of us and all around us are increasingly capable of choosing to co-create a world that breathes more and more harmony, positivity, prosperity, generosity, kindness, empathy, compassion, authenticity, peace, success, fulfillment and the like.  

The world beyond borders of countries encompasses societal needs, businesses governance, supportive academics and political will with specific and diverse routes to development and advancement. Yet it is simultaneously true, the world has been witnessing volatile and non-linear changes in the recent years, compelling institutions and organizations besieged with demands like never before.  

With the influx of rapidly evolving technology moving towards AI and its machinations, there is increasing evidence of more chaos and discontinuous changes in the offing and in the distant future. While there are umpteen tangible and intangible gains, the humane element of human beings stands to be eroded. 

There are already a host of classic examples of this erosion taking place, wherein the Emotional Intelligence which is deeply embedded within human beings are fast diminishing including self-esteem, confidence, abilities to navigate emotions, equanimity, resilience, pursuit of noble goals, exercising optimism, powering intrinsic motivation. Further beyondthese integral elements, valuing relationships that matter are speedily crumbling. One cannot really fathom or predict as to how such worthy values and skills would take a beating if nothing is done about it, as gross insensitivity would breed more of that!

In these real-time circumstances there stems a need to revisit the fundamental principles and ethos of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’. While this to me presents a goldmine of opportunities for the contemporaries of this wonderful Planet Earth to contribute, we members of the robust ICF Chennai Charter Chapter hold a strong sense of anticipatory excitement to make small and meaningful changes which would eventually make a huge difference to the community. 

Like one drop at a time and akin to every single drop makes the ocean, the Coaching fraternity of this Chapter earnestly believes that by offering and executing one Coaching conversation at a time, influencing one Client [or Coachee] at a time which would transform and touch the lives of those whom we interface, can set ripples to impact the community around us in small and big ways, with an underlying and feisty motto to make a difference

It is in this direction that the close-knit group of affable and mindful set of ever-growing number of coaches in ICF Chennai Charter Chapter have collectively set foot to heal, inspire, motivate and develop members of the larger community resting on the core values, ethics and research-based competences ingrained by International Coaching Federation. 

We profoundly trust that we have made solid beginning in the recent years going by the rave reviews received from diverse folks drawn across the globe and would like to invite and summon more life-giving universal energies and forces to consolidate and reinforce the strong convictions to practice empathy, compassion, authenticity, trust, support for benefitting the world around, while growing alongside those who gain from the offerings. 

The Corporate Engagements and Partnerships undertaken by ICF Chennai Chapter in alignment with Vision, Values and Mission of ICF Global would be relentlessly pursued as higher order and quality noble goals. 

Beginning with the big picture in mind of GROWing the Community, we reckon that it would GROW Coaching, Coaches and Chapter  the proof of the pudding is already there, beckoning us for more

We invite you to drop in and experience our offerings and you would never be disappointed!

You can connect with UDAY – Click Here


Udayakumar Gopalakrishnan is a sought-after Facilitator, OD Consultant, Key Note Speaker and Executive Coach. After completing PG in HR from XLRI, he worked for 11 years in senior HR roles. During the last 3 decades, he partnered 600+ organizations and transformed 33,000+ corporate professionals, in India and overseas. Holds OD Certificate from NTL Institute (USA) and was also a faculty. Credentials include MCC and ACTC [ICF], MP [EMCC], EQ Assessor [Six Seconds] and Debriefer & Coach [Harrison Assessments]. He has authored three seminal books. You can connect with UDAY – Click Here

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4 thoughts on “GROW Community –a dream conduit to democratizing Coaching…

  1. Uday loved the reference ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ in the context of our chapter. Its one of the key ingredients that makes ‘namma ICF Chennai’ feel like an extended family. Following on from your ‘from-the-heart’ sharing at our recent M&A meet, I’m taking away much inspiration & points for reflection from your message on how we could build an even more vibrant community. Thank you!

  2. Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!

  3. Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!

  4. Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!

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