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ICF Chennai Coach Spotlight

This is the Namma Chennai way of showcasing our Chapter Members & Associates, who are Namma Superstars! Through this feature, one gets to know our coaches, their background & specialities, coordinates and their views on Coaching!

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Launch of Members & Associates Experience Survey 2021

The ICF Chennai Charter Chapter is always looking for new ways to create a vibrant and engaged coaching community. Our Members’ and Associates’ opinion is thus valuable for us to best serve them forward. The Members & Associate survey 2021 was launched to collect information on the member's experiences with the chapter, in implementing our vision to GROW. Some of the topics in the survey covered general satisfaction, feelings, thoughts and suggestions across Chapter functions, Chapter experience, positive areas of engagement, areas of improvement, Member Expectations and probable topics for learning webinar.

Celebrating Credentials

This brand-new feature was released in January 2021 as an innovative way to acknowledge & celebrate the credential achievements & the commitment to excellence by the Chennai Charter Chapter’s Members & Associates.

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ICF Chennai Chapter becomes
ICF Chennai Charter Chapter

On January 28, 2021 our Chapter reached a very special milestone. We were recognised as a Charter Chapter of ICF. Being a Charter Chapter is a recognition of our chapter’s growth, stability, good governance and compliance. It is an indicator of the successes ICF Chennai has achieved since its inception, just a few years ago! Above all else, it is a testimony to every coach, volunteer & leader in our Chapter, past & present who has worked hard to make this milestone possible. Each one deserves a salute! And to the wonderful spirit of community that is a trademark of ICF Chennai!

We hope you love the new logo - usage of the same indicates to the larger community & our stakeholders, ICF Chennai's commitment to serve, grow and contribute! Watch our journey to becoming a Charter Chapter

Launch of our new YouTube Channel

The official channel of our Chapter on YouTube is now live! Check us out here and subscribe to our channel.

Vanakkam Chennai Superstar –
ICF Chennai Chapter’s Milestone
Blockbuster event of 2020

The year 2020 ended on a high with the new Chapter Board hosting its first mega event for the Chapter Coaching community on December 12, 2020. The focus of the event was four-fold:

1) The launch of “GROW” – ICF Chennai vision for 2020 – 22 – A powerful vision and agenda for the next two years was unveiled that focussed on Growing Coaching, Coaches, Community & Chapter, along with identifying strategic focus areas to realise the same. Our Chapter vision flows from the ICF Mission and Vision and our commitment to contribute to its realisation. The vision was received with great enthusiasm by not just the Chennai Coaching Community but also from coaches from other India Chapters, who attended the event as special guests!

2) Introduction of the new board and farewell to the outgoing board

3) An inspiring talk by Mr. Ramky on the ringside view of Coaching in the world of sport, tying in with our chapter theme of driving growth.

4) A participative activity where all the coaches co-created bringing the vision to life.

To know more click here.

ICF Chennai Chapter Leadership Team Transition – November 2020

This year saw a new board take charge as Volunteer leaders of the Chapter for the next two years. Towards this, the election process was kicked off in September 2020. Within a period of 45 days the entire process was smoothly completed and the new board took charge wef. Nov 1, 2020. The new board comprises of 12 members and is a diverse team in terms of credentials, coaching experience, corporate experience, gender and age. The have been quick to start off the block focusing the initial few weeks on building the team, articulating the vision and agenda for the two years ahead and connecting with the membership.

Pivoting Member Experience & Engagement in the New Normal:

a) Launch of Virtual Coaches Connect
Member experience has always been a key focus of our chapter and keeping our member coaches engaged with the Chapter is a priority for us. After experiencing challenges with planning Face to face Member Connects in the second quarter of 2020, we seamlessly transitioned into a Virtual format for Member Engagement. Read more about it here

b) Launch of Learning Sundays
ICF Chennai Chapter has always held the spirit of learning, dialogue and discovery an integral part of its culture. Building on this, we launched Learning Sundays, an exciting learning space for Coaches. Know more about it here

Coach Spotlight:

What better way to know each other & showcase the talent pool of our esteemed Members & Associates?

Through this idea & our commitment towards the ICF Chennai Charter Chapter’s vision - GROW, the “Coach Spotlight” feature was born & launched in April 2021.

This is the Namma Chennai way of showcasing our Chapter Members & Associates, who are Namma Superstars! Through this feature, one gets to know our coaches, their background & specialities, coordinates and their views on Coaching!

In case you too wish to be featured in our Coach Spotlight, reach out at contact@icfchennai.com

or Fill the form here. Take a look at our Coach Spotlight.

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Celebrating Credentials

This brand-new feature was released in January 2021 as an innovative way to acknowledge & celebrate the credential achievements & the commitment to excellence by the Chennai Charter Chapter’s Members & Associates.

Every month, this feature captures the Coaches, who got their ICF Credentials namely – ACC/PCC/MCC the month before. For example, March 2021, will capture the details of Coaches who got their ICF Credentials in the month of February 2021.

This feature stays true to the Chapter’s Vision of GROW Coaches, Coaching, Chapter & Community, & ticks all of them!

Congratulations to our latest set of Credential holders

Take a look at our Credentials Gallery below to know our other Credential holders in the past 12 months.

Celebrating Gallery




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